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Video Tutorial Introduction to Linux Commands (1 Viewer)


Night Rider
Staff member
Aug 4, 2021
Learning Linux Commands line

What you'll learn:
With this Course you will able to run every command in Linux and comes to know about different features of Linux operating system
You will learn different flavor of Linux version.
With the help of different Linux command you do several operation such creating file, changing file permission, security coomand
I have explained with real time example and commands that useful in day to day work in IT projects

Virtual box, Ubuntu operating system

This Linux course doesn't make any assumptions about your background or knowledge of Linux. You need no prior knowledge to benefit from this course. You will be guided step by step using a logical and systematic approach. As new concepts, commands, or jargon are encountered they are explained in plain language, making it easy for anyone to understand.

In this series of videos I'll be sharing with you some of my favorite Linux command line tricks. These tips will make your life easier at the command line, speed up your work flow, and make you feel like a certified Linux command line

In this course I have discussed about different Linux commands line , different flavor of Linux operating system , comparison between Window operating system, Linux operating system , MacOS.

I added all the concept regarding Linux operating system ,its feature , how its feature made it some popular as compared to Window operating system & MacOS .

You will find every Linux commands that software developer needs in day to day work in IT & software industry. Intern & college student can learn Linux commands that might be helpful in doing network security projects & server programming

All the basic, intermediate Linux command are explained in the course with lab .Explanation about different open source operating system.

I have explained , kernel Linux architecture so candidate can understand what is shell , application , kernel in Linux architecture

Who this course is for
This is course for any one who want to learn Linux from beginning with all essential commands that are useful in any projects or for IT Engineer in their work, Software fields, Network security , cyber security program


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