xenforo 2.1 4 nulled

  1. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] [SVG] Header Parallax

    Impact of the forum title. capacity: change the height of the lid Activate the parallax effect Activate the animation of the logo *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  2. ReD DeViL

    [cXF] Node description only on hover

    Add code to extra.less template: CSS: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ****** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  3. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] [cXF] Membership Page 1.1.0

    Description: Create a membership page and customize it with tons of settings and styling options. *note: Proceed button on pack item on the membership page leads to user account upgrade page. You can't point it directly to the payment process. Features: navigation tab, membership page and...
  4. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] Signup abuse detection and blocking 1.8.3

    From (simple) multiple accounts detection to isp/connection fingerprinting with score-based moderating/rejecting logic. These are very effective low-hanging fruit at reducing spam. Supports migration configuration from the following XF1 add-ons; TPU Spam Detect Alter ego Detector See the FAQ...
  5. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] Multiple Account To Thread - Multiple Account To Thread XenForo 2 1.0.9

    This is a small add-on to detect and block registration abuse, allowing multiple account reports to be sent to topics. It doesn't work without the add-on mentioned. Good luck. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  6. ReD DeViL

    Random Ads Code - Random advertising code XenForo 2

    Random Ads Code - Random Ads Code XenForo 2 Write your ad code in the banner position. It will randomly display one ad each time you refresh the page on which you inserted the ad. It is an adaptation of the code in Xenforo 1.x version for Xenforo 2.x. *** Hidden text: You do not have...
  7. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Styles [2.x] Titan for XenForo 2 2.1.10

    Titan Style for XenForo 2 2.1.10 Titan is a game style, based on a large blurred background image behind the navigation and category bars. Specify up to 6 wallpapers via theme settings to completely change the color scheme. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the...
  8. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Pro 2.0.0

    Description : This add-on allow you to let users renew their upgrades before it expired, send email/conversation with notice once expired asking them to renew and more. Feature summary : Options : Invoice logo Company detail Footer block Username Enable field in invoice Send...
  9. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] Collapsible Category - Collapse Category for XenForo 2 2.5.0

    Collapsible Category - Collapse Category for XenForo 2 2.5.0 This add-on allows Categories to be collapsible (Collapse / Expand). *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Good luck.
  10. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] [AP] Member Bars - XenForo 2.2 1.0.0 Alpha

    [AP] Member Bars - XenForo 2.2 1.0.0 Alpha This is a small add-on template modification for Xenforo 2.2 to add bar chart to Notable Members page. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Good luck.
  11. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] Ultimate Custom Nodes - Custom Node for XenForo 2

    Ultimate Custom Nodes - Custom Node for XenForo 2 You can now place icons in minutes. With this add-on, you can: place images for forum nodes, pages, links or categories Set awesome font icons for forum node, page, link or category set the width of the icon enable / disable animations...
  12. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Styles [2.x] [TH] Legend - XenForo 2 Game Style

    Download [TH] Legend Xenforo 2.1 Premium Style Nulled Free If you manage a competitive gaming community, you owe it to yourself and your community to install this collection of gaming themes for XenForo 2. From Apex to Starcraft, your community can talk about their favorite games in a style...
  13. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] [ITM] Chevereto Integration - Integrating Chevereto into XenForo 2 2.2.0

    [ITM] Chevereto Integration - Integrating Chevereto into XenForo 2 2.2.0 A simple add-on that allows Xenforo admins to integrate their Chevereto image archive . Chevereto Documentation: https://chevereto.com/docs/pup Popup upload plugin (PUP) is a small file that allows Chevereto-based...
  14. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] [PN] FFW - Added user follow widget for XenForo 2.2 1.0.0

    [PN] FFW - Add user follow widget for XenForo 2.2 1.0.0 Add the user follow widget. *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! *** Good luck.
  15. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] Thread Reply Banner - Install thread reply banner for XenForo 2 2.4.0

    Thread Reply Banner - Banners for XenForo 2's thread replies 2.4.0 Displays banners for each thread in the editor for users. Feature: Show in both quick reply and reply preview mode. Only fetches the thread reply banner when viewing the thread that can be answered. The text can be up to 65536...
  16. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] Media Sites - Add BBcode Media pages for XenForo 2 2.6.19

    Media Sites - Add BBcode Media Sites for XenForo 2 2.6.19 This add-on will: Add a handpicked collection of the most useful and most requested media sites. List of supported URLs can be found on this page. Improve the performance and efficiency of default media websites. Pages will load fastest...
  17. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] [OzzModz] Create Poll Thread Permissions - Right to create poll topics XenForo 2.2 2.0.0

    [OzzModz] Create Poll Thread Permissions - This little addon will give you the ability to set up which user groups can create poll type threads. This is useful for sites that allow a variety of topics in forums. You can find the "Can create poll thread" permission in the "Forum permissions"...
  18. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] Change author - Change author for XenForo 2 2.8

    Change author - Change author for XenForo 2 2.8 Allows you to change the author of an article. Feature: All phrases start with changeauthor_ for your convenience. User group permissions: To see the Change author link below the post, you'll need to set the user group permissions for the...
  19. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Styles [2.x] Style Gift for XenForo 2

    Style Gift for XenForo 2 Is your community really integrated into the holiday spirit? This theme focuses on giveaways, and includes a unique gift suggestion feature that isn't just limited to giveaways! Share a random link to a vacation article, or share the top 5 essentials for your...
  20. ReD DeViL

    XenForo Add-on [2.2x] Message Users - Message users XenForo 2 1.0

    Message Users - Message users XenForo 2 1.0 Allows sending chats to users using selected criteria. Option Message users page User group permissions Feature: All phrases start with messageusers_ for your convenience. Using: Update the Administrative user group permissions, set Message...
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